Tuesday, April 28, 2009
no computer :(
I have so many pics.
I have so much to say.
I have had so much happen.
and....I have no computer!
It totally froze up on me the other day. Matt's dad has looked at it, Kal has looked at it, the Geek Squad has looked at it, and there is only Jason left to look at it. If J can't do it. It looks like the Geek Squad has won. They will have our money!
We have no idea what has happened. But I have learned that our computer is old, with it having a birth date of 1-1-08!!!
We will return to the blogging world ASAP!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Speech Therapist's Eval.
Of course I could go on and on about how smart and over developed his skills are, just like every other mother could, but I will save that for his daddy and grandparents. After the eval they asked me if we had any concerns for him. And I told him about his talking. He can say many words. But some are only the beginning, middle or the end of a word. So they gave me a brochure on some a developmental program for kids 3 and under.
So after much deliberation for Matt and I, we decided to call. We both had speech as a child, but not till school aged, and we decided if we could take care of it now, lets do it.
So a counselor came out last week and took some info, I picked out some therapists and waited for the phone calls. I wanted a Speech Therapist and a more specific hearing test (since being deaf is hereditary in my family), and no matter what they send out a Behavioral Therapist, just to check all other skills.
So today was the day the Speech Therapist came out. I must admit, I was nervous. So I had to explain my worries to her. And like I told her, I was not worried at all about the knowledge he has, just the verbalizing it. He has always been a great communicator, and now that he is getting older he wants to say more and express more and I am not understanding him as much as I feel I should be.
And she agreed immediately, he knew everything she asked him, and of course said it. Verbally said it. So, now I am looking like that mother who expects so much more out of there child. That is so not the case. I have told her, in the past few weeks he has picked up a lot more words...he even said his own name last week. But, even though he is saying them, they don't seem to be really clear to me, and apparently that does not matter since we can, for the most part, understand him. I didn't realize how much he could say till today.
But...he can only say single words. Not words put together. She said that is not an issue right now, but will be if it does not keep progressing. She thinks by watching him today that there is no need for concern, but just keep watching him. He can say Word World, thank you, good night Jesus, and a few other phrases. But those words already go together, we are not having, more milk please, go outside and play, he isn't putting his own words together.
But if that is the worst it is, than that's okay with me. The only other concern would be his hearing test. She said he may have fluid in his ears or maybe have his anoids looked at and maybe removed. So hopefully by next week we will have had a hearing test. And in May we go to his doc for his 2 year well visit and we are going to have her refer an ENT at Children's. I personally think there is something with his hearing or ears, not necessarily hearing loss, but something, since the whole word is not coming out or is tweaked just a bit.
In order to qualify for the therapy program, we would have had to score in the 3o%, which she said we were not going to do. Unless, something comes back with hearing loss, and we automatically qualify then.
So, over all I think I am pleased. He is not lacking in anything, but I was kinda hoping for some ideas and help with his speech, that now we won't be able to get.
sidewalk chalk monster
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Dying of the Great Easter Egg!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
my American Idol
music and eggs!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
first trip to the zoo this year...
Then came the elephants...need I say more. This child is in-love with them. We spent most of the day with the elephants. It was a good day for it too, they were all out...well we didn't get to see Raja, but all the females we did...including the two new babies, Maliha and Jade. I think if we would have let him stay there all day with them and then come back to get him, he would have been in the same spot.Of course we all had to share a sweet treat...he is lovin' this chocolate thing. But thats okay, 3 big bites for me, 1 small bite for him!
We stopped by the elephant gift shop, and he just went did grandma. He got two books, a shirt and a elephant toy! But of course the main book that he wanted was the elephant fact book, with all the real pics, it looks like a National Geographic book. He is so smart, his mommy on the other hand picked out "how to poo at the zoo" is so funny :) Well needless to say, this book has not left his hands!
Then the real fun began...we met Dolce! She is a little 2 1/2 year old that Ry met. They were identical in their playing habits. He ofcouse found his stage (a sewer lid) to dance and sing on. Then here come Dolce, they were taking turns doing THE EXACT SAME THING ( exact same moves and everything), so of course I asked her mom if she did this often, and her reply was " any thing that looks like a stage" my heart skipped a beat. Then they ran and ran chasing each other, hiding in corners, climbing on rocks to sit next to each other. We kept saying, "okay kids its time to go", but they would just run off together. They would not even give each other hugs...they did not want to leave each other at all. Ryan is such a huge hug and kiss giver, so it was surprising he would not do this, but he did not want to leave her.... it was all so incredibly sweet. Maybe one day Ryan and Dolce can meet up again :)