
Saturday, April 4, 2009

first trip to the zoo this year...

and many many more to come!!!
My mom decided to take an unexpected day off work on Friday to watch Ryan in the morning while I worked, then she decided we should all go to The Zoo. I must admit, at first I really didn't want to go, but I didn't want to miss it either (you know how nosey I am, I can't miss a thing). I don't like to do a lot on Fridays, it makes my weekend go by so fast, then it is Monday again. Plus we are so busy once again this weekend...I must slow down!
This year is going to be so much fun for the zoo, we had tons of fun last year, but he is just at a better age for it all now. I know, I know, we have to stop spiking the hair, or atleast do it different. His hair cut has turned out to be pretty bad after all, and the spiking helps hide it. And after Matt saw these pics, he said "that's it the spiking is over", but I am going t secretly do it again today while he is at class, but try on a much smaller scale...its a little rough when your running through the house trying to rub sticky gel in his hair.

Then came the elephants...need I say more. This child is in-love with them. We spent most of the day with the elephants. It was a good day for it too, they were all out...well we didn't get to see Raja, but all the females we did...including the two new babies, Maliha and Jade. I think if we would have let him stay there all day with them and then come back to get him, he would have been in the same spot.Of course we all had to share a sweet treat...he is lovin' this chocolate thing. But thats okay, 3 big bites for me, 1 small bite for him!We stopped by the elephant gift shop, and he just went did grandma. He got two books, a shirt and a elephant toy! But of course the main book that he wanted was the elephant fact book, with all the real pics, it looks like a National Geographic book. He is so smart, his mommy on the other hand picked out "how to poo at the zoo" is so funny :) Well needless to say, this book has not left his hands!Then the real fun began...we met Dolce! She is a little 2 1/2 year old that Ry met. They were identical in their playing habits. He ofcouse found his stage (a sewer lid) to dance and sing on. Then here come Dolce, they were taking turns doing THE EXACT SAME THING ( exact same moves and everything), so of course I asked her mom if she did this often, and her reply was " any thing that looks like a stage" my heart skipped a beat. Then they ran and ran chasing each other, hiding in corners, climbing on rocks to sit next to each other. We kept saying, "okay kids its time to go", but they would just run off together. They would not even give each other hugs...they did not want to leave each other at all. Ryan is such a huge hug and kiss giver, so it was surprising he would not do this, but he did not want to leave her.... it was all so incredibly sweet. Maybe one day Ryan and Dolce can meet up again :)

Can't wait to go back in May with Matt and get to spend the whole day at The Zoo !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ryan is growing up so fast!