
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ryan's congratulatory toy

It's very seldom Ryan gets a new toy out of a box from the store with us. Except for Christmas or his birthday, but he is never with us, and some times they are even from yard sales. So Friday was a big day for us.

We found out he was going to have a baby brother. And he was going to be a super cool big brother, so we took him to Wal-Mart to pick out a toy. We pretty much let him get what he wanted. (we knew it was going to be Thomas the train stuff) So he picked out a tank and a set of tracks. He was in such shock in got to go in the cart and home with us. (which I hope doesn't become a problem in the future).

Once we got home we set the whole thing up...and we learned another the packaging carefully! The track set was just straight and curved track. Which in translation means extra pieces, it does not make a full completed track!!! It didn't seem to phase him much he would put the tank on the track at one end and let it go till it ran off, then go put in back on the other end and let it do the same thing. Well us as parents weren't as amused after spending all that money on a 'new' toy. I was going to take it back, but he was just gleaming from ear to ear with excitement over it. It was 9 at night we even took him back to Target that late to get a set to make a full track for him. Oh how kids can sucker you into things so easily!

The next morning Matt got him up, he didn't even stop by our room to see me, he went straight to the living room, to check on his trains :( I have officially become #2 in his life. Then when it was time to clean them up, his sweet little self tried to put them back into the boxes, because as far as he knows that is where they go. Most of his stuff doesn't come in a box, which just breaks my heart, but that is how we can run a dare care with all our toys, we buy nice ones second hand!!!

we're trying :)

I have been trying forever to get this kid to smile for pics. He is always smiling in person, but not on command. So we were practicing the other day...and this is the best we could get. And he would say... see see, after everyone !

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So what's new?

So, what's up or how are you is a very common question. If you were to ask me, I would say very happy...we are 21 1/2 weeks pregnant with our second little boy!!!

(I actually feel him kicking/moving right now...I think he knows we are talking about him!)

We found out Memorial weekend before we went camping, we were only 3 1/2 weeks at the time, I was supposed to start that weekend. But we took a test before we left anyway since we were going to be gone for a week. (for you who know me, I had to know, I could not wait another day). But since it was positive and my parents were going camping with us for a few days, we had to tell them before they got suspicious. So the night before we left we made Ry his, "I'm the big brother shirt". We made sure we stopped off and saw Matt's parents before we left to tell them too! To say the least, everyone was very excited!!!
It's been a bumpy road this go around. It has been fast, I am over my half way mark now. It is soooo different your second go around, not only can I not compare the pregnancies, but baby Ryan in my belly got so much more attention than this one. I knew day by day what was growing on him, not this one!
(okay I will fill everyone in more later, time for my night time snack...Taco Bell :) thanks babe!)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

the hotdog dilemma

There are just a few things that I am personally against for my child. I see nothing wrong with someone doing them, I am just not going to.

I don't like him to have juice that often, and when we have it at home or grandparents, it is almost always V8 Fusion, not the diet one, that has artificial sugar and half the fruits and veggies. The fusion is all sugar from the fruits and veggies they use to make it.

He was not allowed to have any sugar candy till the last couple of months, which includes chocolate. I did pretty good not letting him have it till now, especially since I eat so much chocolate...especially these days!

My number one no-no was hotdogs. I have just read a few articles on them and children under 6 years of age. Once in awhile is okay but not weekly or daily. But I just refused to do it, till he got over atleast 2. It has taken me this long to even think about it.

Well, we have some all meat hot dogs right now and the other day for lunch Matt was going to have some. I am not eating them right now either. So I said heat one up for Ryan and lets see what he does. Matt has been wanting to give him some cut up, with a toothpick in each one, because that would be fun and cool! His jaw dropped and he stopped in his tracks when I said heat one up.

I knew he wasn't going to eat it, but I was okay wasting a hotdog verse some of the other food we have to waste.

So Matt cut it up, put them on toothpicks, set the plate in front of him, bite one, bite two, and before I could pick my jaw up off the ground, they were gone...A WHOLE HOTDOG!!! I was so upset. With me for suggesting and allowing it, with Ryan for liking it, with Matt for making it look cool, I just didn't think he was going to eat it, especially not a whole hotdog.

My heart hurt, I actually felt like I just gave my baby some poison, and he took it with no hesitation.

So my baby at the age of 2 years and 4 months ate his first hotdog :(

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

new play group

I have just been slacking on everything, I totally forgot about my blog AGAIN, then go back and rereading it, I forgot to post pics...sorry.

Well, I have a second on my lunch break so I will add some new pics, they are even kinda old, some go back to the beginning of Aug. I don't think I have taken a pic in Sept. yet
Here are just a few random pics, I used to take atleast 5-10 pictures on every occasion, now I am lucky if its one. So we have some playdates, ride to Springfield, and ofcourse the Wiggles concert.
Well we also started a new play group in Edwardsville. I was very excited about it yesterday, but it did not go well for the first have. I have that bad child that every other parent looks at with shame. He kicked, screamed, cried, smacked me in my face, and stepped on babies. Oh it was just horrible, but it got better as time went on. I was upset all day with all this. Now today, I feel so sorry for him, he is sick at Mawmaw's house. I want to go get him and hold him, yesterday I would have given him to any stranger on the street.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's been a LOOOONG time!

It has been over a month!

I get so upset when others do that with their blog, I love to read them and keep updated, and well I did it.

We have been so busy, but not interesting enough to blog about I guess, but I am going to 'try' to keep up now. I am just going to hit some of the stuff I have thought about in the last month about blogging about.

Matt started school a couple weeks ago. He is now gone again all week, we only see him Friday through Sunday. On occasion we will see him on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for about an hour if he had time before school, so that is always a nice surprise. I think its going pretty good for him, the classes are more intense this go around, but he's a smart cookie, I know he can do it. It is harder this time too since Ryan is getting older, he is asking where his daddy is, and looks for him out the window, so thats rough for us and confusing for him. Poor guy I don't think he will ever have a normal structured life. But as most of you know, we are not a normal structured family.

We went to the Illinois State Fair in Springfield in August. It was a good time, it could have been alot more fun though. We parked at some weird guys house. All the residents surrounding the park charge a small fee to park in their driveways/yards. And he gave us some 'advice' on how to get in, he said go in the back way, its not as crowded. Well that was the wrong idea, after being there for 4 hours and we were ready to head home, we found the fun part of the fair...which was at the main entrance...what a jerk!

I have been finding baby dinglehoppers again in the basement, just 2 or 3. Matt let one hop away from him, and just says sorry, he got away. So I have to upside down cups right now down there.

I have been trading sitter services with Kathy for a couple weeks, we vowed to teach the kids and have them learn when we have them versus just letting them free play for hours. I think its going pretty good. The kids are cooperating, and having a good time.

Ryan started occupational therapy for his mouth movement. I know I know it sounds weird, but we are having a really hard time understanding him. He has a large vocabulary but alot of it is mumbo jumbo. We can really only understand him when he is in context of the situation. We have only done 0ne week, and I actually saw a good improvement in him. Its free as long as they qualify, I hope it lasts for a bit.

We decided to change playgroups. We were going to one in Granite City, which we just loved. But sadly I think we needed to go to one in our school district. I was not happy about this, we had friends there, and were very comfortable. Well last night I went to his new schools orientation. And I think I am going to like the layout even better! I just hope he does.

We went to a Wiggles concert...which was a blast, I even loved it.

Well back to mommy duty...I will post pics soon...I promise!