Matt told me once we left the house that he had to stop by a co-workers house and help him move some big stuff out. Last minute notice but okay, it should not be too long (it was a 3 hour journey). Well we get there, Ry and I stay in the car, then Shaun and his girls pull up (Claire and Sophia), which now means we have to get out to play. So we played and played. Terry (the co-worker) says we can go in the back yard and see the dogs in their cage. They all love dogs, so this should be a good idea...I should have followed my motherly instincts, not knowing what the backyard looks like. So we get back there, and they instantly see a huge hill to run down and a lake at the end...which is really a nasty swamp. The girls take off, luckily Ryan is slower at this point so he is not the issue yet. I am yelling STOP STOP, we they both run into it with their brand new designer tennis shoes on. Its black swamp poopy mud. I get them out, we walk back up front and try to clean it off. I just can't it stunk so bad like poop, I was going to start gagging any second. I told them I was sorry, and to tell their mom I was sorry. Shaun was supposed to have the girls all day so mommy could have some mommy time with her friends.
Then I decided to set them all down and pull out the snacks I had packed for the day for only one child. So we went through that pretty fast. Then they took off running to the back again. This time it was Ryan, I could not catch him for the life of me. He went even further in, he sank like quick sand. I could no longer see his feet, he started to cry, and he could not move. I could not go much further, I was even heavier and was sinking much faster, but I lunged grabbed him and we were out...but with a missing shoe. I took him up front trying so hard not to cry...only due to anger. I did not have a spare anything, the cloths he had on was yesterdays spares, since they were warmer I put it on him that morning, thinking we were going to be getting dirty all day, it would be okay...who knew we were going to be running in a black poop swamp and loosing articles of clothing. My white shoes were covered too. So the poor baby, (I say it sweetly now, I have had almost 24 hours), had to run around with no pants on till they were done (I think the high was 61...later in the day), Matt did fetch out his other shoe. So he did have those.
Now I was informed we had to go help unload. I am okay with all this, its the right thing to do. It just wasn't what I had planned. We stopped by my parents on the way to get some clean cloths for the rest of the day. Then off to unloading then to the chili cookoff. It was now 2 with no snacks, nap, or lunch for any of us. Ryan was not going to eat chili, we did have a can of pringles. we let him have that. We looked like such hoosiers. We found a Jimmy John's, so we got him a sandwich. Things were happy again. We had a blast there. All guards were down, and we just laughed at everything at this point. It was just a good (family spent time) day!
On the way home Ryan was a little (alot) crabby, needy, and demanding. I would be too I guess. He was demanding the park. So we stopped by the Troy park on the way home, we get there, and Matt gets him out, and he is soaked. With nasty poop and all. We have no spare cloths. So I thought. I looked in the back, and found this stylin' halloween outfit, that my mom found at a resell it shop that day, and we took it home for PJ's. I totally forgot we had it. But hey, it was clean dry cloths. It was a little bit of a belly shirt...but he didn't seem to mind, he was just happy he was at the park.
Us on the other had, felt we needed to explain to everyone why he was dressed in such a wonderful outfit!
1 comment:
Thank you so much for the reminder... when Annabel was this age I always kept a spare set of clothes, shoes, jacket, plastic bag and blanket in the trunk. Now I remember why! Oh the stories, most of which I'd like to forget. :-) And that's in addition to the spare outfit in the diaper bag. Thanks for the reminder, now I'll be ready for fall outings. So funny about the lake, not ha ha funny, but something funny to look back on- maybe next year. :-)
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