
Friday, November 13, 2009

oh how time flies when your havin' a baby!

A picture of Ryan with his new haircut and his new book for being a good boy while he got it say the least he was very proud, and he deserves to be, he has been a VERY good boy these last couple of days. Enough to brag about:) Time never EVER went this fast with my first pregnancy. When I actually stop and come down, its not so bad, but Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks, Christmas is less than 4 weeks, then baby is less than 4 weeks from that...I need to enjoy each day and quit the count down.

It's not only the time frame that gets me, Ryan is growing up so fast. He told me this morning for breakfast "I want muffins too" after I sat his strawberry plate in front of him. He finally got a haircut today which ages him at least by 6 months. He went to the doctor today he weighs 40lbs (I forgot his height). And according to our overly positive doctor, he is very advanced for his age.

When I scheduled his 3 year checkup I scheduled the new little baby's 3 month checkup...that definitely got me. I just found out a minute ago, apparently I said ok to a 9:30 appointment all the way in Belleville, with out paying attention to time. How in the world am I going to get 2 kids to Belleville by 9:30 when I struggle with 1 by 10!?!

I am so excited to meet our new little baby, but a little freaked with time.