
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Who's Who?

Are they twins?

That is the question Kristen and I constantly get from everyone. I even told a lady today that Layla is 8 weeks and Harrison is 11 weeks, and she asked with a confused look, "So are they twins?" I don't think she understands the concept of twins.

We have only been able to share a short 2 months together so far, but I just can't wait to watch them grow up. This is going to be a fun and wild ride. They are just so funny, and they don't even know it yet :) I swear I almost pee my pants laughing so hard when they are together. Last weekend we were at the mall and we had just them have their pictures taken in one of those photo booths while we held the babies up. The pictures are priceless, but the video they show you after wards doing all the poses was even better. I wish I could get those pics up, maybe Kristen can figure a way to do that...hint hint :}

And apparently Harrison is becoming quit the smiler. When we were walking them around yesterday at the fairs we went to, he just kept smiling and laughing at everyone. We kept building up crowds to watch him. And he is interacting with them, because once you walk away or out of his eye sight, he stops, you can even see the let down that he is now alone. And poof you re-appear and he's laughing again. He is so my child, he just talks and talks and talks. Ryan was definitely more my content and quite child. We'll see what the future holds.

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