
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our first trip to Children's ER...

...and hopefully the last!

I guess it could have been worse, we were only there for 7 very looooong hours.
To give everyone a little back ground on what is going on, we have been worried about Ryan and his head (possible migraines) and a little vomiting here and there.
About 3 months ago we noticed him grabbing his head and or rubbing it. We could not connect it to anything, like if he was tired or bored. But he was doing it enough to start to worry me. So I said something to his doc at his 2 year well visit. She referred him to a Neurologist and an ENT. Our appointments with them are not until July 31. She was a little worried since he has had some vomiting with it.

Then on Wednesday, Jason and Loni were over and we were all spinning him and he threw up, yes that was probably the cause, but I was still concerned about it. He has been kinda crabby lately and really really, I mean really needy.
Then this morning he woke up with vomit on him and his pillow, and when I picked him up he was really hot and he started to vomit that bright yellow stuff (bile). So I immediately decided we were taking him some where. I called his doc just to see what she thought, and she said yes, definitely go over there.

Well, we get there and as soon as we pulled up to the front of the ER he throws up again. He just drank some pedilite, and it looked that is what it mainly was. So we get checked in and an hour and half later we get called back. I was always told the process there goes pretty fast. I beg the differ!
Well his ER doc was very nice, and said we aren't really going to worry about his head, kids that age don't really get headaches and the two don't seem to be related at this point since he had a fever of 102.8. But we still definitely needed to follow up with the Neurologist. And an MRI is not something they typically do in the ER, and the radiation is about 200x the amount from an x-ray. So they like to hold off on that as long as they we still have to wait till the end of July to find any answers to that issue.
He said he wanted to do an x-ray of his stomach just to make sure everything was okay before he sent us on our way....well that started a whole bunch of other fears. The x-ray came back abnormal.
He said at the top of his intestines it looked like everything was being lodged up there and it was much wider than the bottom. So he wanted the surgeon to look at it and come talk to us. Can you imagine the fear. I expected to have an MRI and a whole bunch of head talk and meds. Instead everyone was contemplating stomach surgery to remove a blockage!
So after talking to a few other doctors and surgeons, and them referring to their bosses. They decided to do an Upper GI (which is horrible if you ever had to do one). This is all very rough with a sick 2 year old. They did the test and it came back normal. And they all decided that it was just a bug! Just a bug! I am very excited about that news, since a couple hours before that we talking stomach surgery today! I know they have to be very certain on everything, which I am very happy about. If I had not been so worried about all this head stuff, we would not even have taken him this morning, and just cared for our sick baby at home.
I am very very happy we decided to take him, and all the staff said it was a very good thing we did what we did. But, my poor baby went through so much today, just for a bug.
Now we are home, babying him, watching Barney in bed! I think we are going to be sorry for doing this, but he's sick and its the nurturing and comfort that is really making him feel better.
Since he threw up in the car we had to take off his cloths in the triage, and I didn't want to put on his spare set yet in case it happened again, so he got this this baby robe, an arm tag(which lasted 2 minutes) and a "I can't eat or drink any thing" sticker. The robe only lasted minutes as well. He was the child running around the triage, ER, and radiology in a diaper and shoes. He would keep nothing else on.

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