
Monday, March 1, 2010

I need HELP!!!

I am on the verge of calling Nanny 911.

I know, I know, it has only been 5 weeks. But Ryan is driving us crazy. And yes, it only started after Harrison was born.

I am writing this post for therapy for me. But I would also love the help with this. Help with what? I don't know, advice, tips, tricks, just understanding, knowing I am not alone, definitely prayers, words of wisdom...something!

Ryan is still a very sweet little boy. But he has become very loud. I am talking about the high pitched screams. Today I started whispering every time I talked, but only while Harrison is sleeping. Then we are aloud to talk at our regular voices while he is awake.

He has become very disobedient. He does not listen to us at all. He will still pick up his toys when asked and go to his room, brush his teeth, take a bath and so on. Some times that still takes a little maneuvering. And for you who don't know Ryan, he is a very good little boy. I can probably count on one hand how many problems we have had with him. God really blessed us the first 32 months of his life. Which he is still blessing us, but definitely testing us too.

All while this is going on, is very sweet and happy. He is never angry or sad. Unfortunately he only yells at us, when we yell at him. He does get his feelings hurt from time to time.

When he does disobey we would always stick him in the corner, which he does do well. A little to well, he almost enjoys it. So in turn has no effect on him. We have started sending him to his room by himself with the door shut for a few minutes. Mainly just to get him away from the environment he was just in. That has worked a little bit.

We thought maybe getting him outside would help a bit. So yesterday he was at the park for an hour. And played outside in the backyard while I made dinner. Might have calmed him down a bit, but not much.

We have tried "special" time with just him. "Special" days with grandma/grandpa and maw maw/paw paw. We have tried "special" treats. All that stuff has done is spoil him more.

I think if we would be a little more routine and always did the same thing, that may help. Even though we have always lead a pretty spontaneous schedule. Matt and Ryan have formed this incredible bond, and I think with Matt being gone he gets a little worse. Its like 80% of the time he has no respect for me anymore.

I do go back to work next week, so hopefully that will help in all areas of the house.

I know this post has been all over the place, but that is how my mind is working these days. So after re-reading this several times and understanding what I am saying, please help me.

Maybe all I need to do is be more patient. So pray for patience


Anonymous said...

alcoholic beverages

Corie said...


I have ZERO experience when it comes to two kids. I wish I had the cure all suggestion for you.
All I have is my time to listen when you need me to and prayers! I'm already praying for you all. Know that this will pass and know that God is using this trial to develop character and perserverance in all of you! Hang in there, Mommy!!!
You are NOT ALONE!
Lots of love!!! Can't wait to see you Thursday. Call me if you need some adult company before then!

bpic said...

Hi, I'll send a fb message with some tips I learned from Have a New Kid By Friday by Kevin Leman. I can't say that I do them 100% of the time, but when I do, they sure do work. Love you! Hang in there.

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