
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chicken and Dumplin's

Well I kinda kept up my end of the bargain.

Nothing like waiting till the last minute to update.

First things first. We made chicken and dumplin's in the crockpot Monday night for dinner. It was awesome. It was an old recipe. But, I added carrots this time. I took a picture but on Wednesday in my tupperware container I took for lunch, because of course I forgot to Monday night. But its not worth going out to my car and getting my camera for, its not a good picture. The kids are quit in the living room and I am not going to risk walking past them and them realizing they need me for whatever. So no picture this time.

Let's see whats new this week? Another crazy week for my parents. I had a dentist appointment, have to have a few cavities filled. One is under a crown that I had put on over a root canal, that I paid around $1500 for...not happy, boy did that dentist get an ear full, but some what politely. I was having a really bad day, and it was not a day to cause me pain and tell me I have cavities and gum disease. That is a whole issue with in itself. :{

Ryan got really sick for about 12 hours. Didn't know if it was a head injury due to falling of the couch, food poisoning, or flu. We still don't know, he had a pretty high fever with it all, so some stomach thing I guess. But he is back to his normal crazy self, but more demanding since he was babied for 12 hours.

Matt FINALLY took a day off work to be with us and help us out. Huge obstacle for us.

Matt got his father's day gift early. Ryan (well me too) couldn't wait. He FINALLY got his blu-ray player he has been begging for, for about a year now.

Those are the highlights...nothing to exciting I guess.

Have a good week...

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