
Saturday, June 26, 2010

busy busy week, lots of news

This was our wonderful meal this week. It was, breaded pork chops, the breading was a Bisquick and a cracker mixture. New potatoes and green beans boiled in beef broth (thanks Corie, really glad we had that conversation that day at the Mills). And some Bisquick bread, that turned out to taste just like Red Lobster biscuits. This whole meal was GREAT. I could have done with out the pork chop, no matter how I cook them, I have never found a way I love them. Well, one time I butterflied them and stuffed them, and put them in the crock pot, that was pretty good! Maybe that will be on the menu soon!
We had Father's Day over here last Sunday. We haven't held an event like maybe over a year. So it was nice to be able to do that again. I tried my hardest to let go of the control thing. Let things happen when and how they would happen. And if I didn't get everything done, the party was going to go on anyway, so why not let it and enjoy it with out being stressed. So maybe with some hard work and dedication, I can actually hold some bigger parties like we used to and not get all anxiety ridden, making sure everything is perfect. We had a wonderful day.

As you can tell in the pictures, we found a baby bird in the yard. The 3rd in 2 days. From different nests. I looked online on how to care for the one we found the day before and it said to leave it and their mom would come get it. NOPE! It died. So when we found the other one the next day, Nurse Karen (Matt's mom) wanted to nurse it back to health. And what better to do that with, but than breast milk! I think he was getting better. I was a little scared we were making some kind of new hybrid bird with Harrison's milk, but nope it was reverse, he also died. Karen took him home and he didn't make it through the night :( Of course that was the first thing Ryan asked about the next morning.

Another wonderful cake made by Matt's mom. And when I asked her where she go the idea for a TV cake, her response was, I made it up, can't you tell. Um, NO, it looks like she followed a design. This can also keep up for every event, every year... HINT HINT
We also had a water balloon fight. A much needed stress reliever for everyone taking part. It took me parts of all morning to get them filled, because you know no one else knows how to fill them and tie them. I did so many, that I have a blister! And this fight took less than 5 minutes. I really wish I had someone taking pictures of the fight! It was so much fun, I hope we make this an annual thing.
Today was Jason's 'surprise' 30th birthday party. We had a lot of fun, but whew was it a scorcher. Got a little worried about Ry for a bit, he started to act all goofy, but after some water and some time in the shade, he got better. I never did get a picture of Jason and Loni though!

Last but not least. We decided that we were going to go ahead and start Harrison on some cereal. I know, I know, we are supposed to wait until he is 6 months old. We started Ryan on solids at 4 months...but things have changed. Plus Harrison is breast fed and Ryan was not, well not nearly as long. But, I just thing he is ready, he needs something more in his tummy. Something to tie him over till his next bottle. So we decided to give him cereal tonight...and he LOVED it. He was either trying to take the spoon out of my hand, or he was holding my hand holding on to please don't stop, I love this stuff. We are just going to be doing it at night time now, during dinner. I don't think I will start foods for a bit though.

As much fun as all this was, he is a messy eater! For those of you who know me, I can't stand to touch food. It really makes me gag. I was so incredibly lucky with Ryan, I could use his bibs for multiple feedings...from the get go. He took to eating with a spoon and keeping it in his mouth with no messes, right away! Not this stinker. He is so going to be the things that I was happy I didn't have happen with Ryan. But in Harrison's defense, he is everything that Ryan didn't have in a positive way his sweet sweet laughter!

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