
Sunday, July 18, 2010

"we have 2 shirts, mama"

This week was nothing fancy, a little bit of time, but nothing fancy. Just an old but not forgotten lasagna recipe. It was good, and I know now that the egg that is supposed to go in the cheese mixture is okay if its left out! I got the full thing made and right before I put it int he oven I remembered the egg. Opps! But hey it was still really good, so I don't really know the purpose of the egg, and what it was supposed to do to the cheese anyway?!? I also made cheese stick bread from a Bisquick recipe. It was a little dry. We have been Bisquick crazy lately. We go through a box a week, and you just can't go generic on Bisquick!

An FYI: The taco bake last week was made by Matt, not me, I told him I would give him credit and I totally forgot.
We also made some oatmeal/cheerio cookies. Yes they taste as good as they sound. Definitely a kid cookie, so yes Ryan loved them. They went to maw-maw's the next day. Ryan also made Miss Tami some homemade banana bread for her birthday. He loved smashing the bananas. He also kept eating the batter of both saying yummy...maybe he has picked up to much from watching mommy over time.When I was almost done with my pregnancy I came to the realization that the boys can wear matching cloths! I have no idea why it took me so long to come up with this but it did. And I will tell you what, it was like winning the lottery when I realized it. I was so excited. But most of the cloths that I could find to match was when Harrison got a little bigger...LIKE NOW!!! So Saturday started it all, and both yesterday and today they were samies...I just love it. And today in the car Ryan looked at Harrison and said "hey he has my shirt" then holds up two fingers and says "1, 2 shirts, we have 2 shirts mama" then became very excited about it. So ofcouse I went a little crazy with it all.

Just a cute picture of my dad and Harrison!
Well t-ball is finally over! I loved it and I loved the fact he was old enough to be on a team. But we hated going, it took a lot of convincing to get him to play, this is the absolute worst I have ever seen him act. I mean kicking and screaming. But he did like to bat and run the bases, but that lasted 2 minutes, he just really disliked being in the field. So Saturday was our last game, it was kinda sad it was over though. They all got medals. He was so proud. I guess that is all that matters, because my thought was "proud of what" he was a brat playing. But proud we stuck it out and did not quit. He just loves his medal. He was worn it all weekend to show everyone. He even had to have his picture taken in front of everything with it. He wanted me to keep going!

Poor Har just hates his tummy time. He doesn't get much of it, mainly because I forget to lay him down, he is either in his swing or excisaucer. So the other day I decided to make him stay on his belly for 5 minutes. This did not go so well. He cried. But he has to build those muscles some how, I think he is just like his brother in some ways. He is just content on his back. I know a lot of babies aren't near sitting yet, but have been rolling for weeks. And we are the opposite of that!
We were so excited we had nothing to do today, but of course we couldn't just stay home and do nothing. Mainly for the fear of letting Ryan watch to much TV and him trying to boss us around all day, and then it turn in to arguing all day. So we decided to ask my parents to go the Mills with us. And they now have a train that runs around the mall instead of a circular track. He loved it, it was a special time for him and his grandma.

Tonight we decided to go to Matt's parents house for some BBQ and some swimming. This was really exciting because it was Harrison's first time in a big pool. He is a splasher, something else I can't stand. Maybe I'm a little pickier/high maintenance than I thought :)

We have a new activity for the pool this year. Run around the pool, jump in when we want, then swim back over to the latter and do it all over again! That would be Ryan's new activity. He is really good at it too. He has loved water since day one! Let hope we get that lucky with Harrison too. He seemed to, he was in the water about 45 minutes, a little long I know, but he was just chillin'!


Anonymous said...

The eggs in the lasagna mixture usually are combined with the ricotta cheese. This allows it to stick together. It's the sample principal for meatloaf.

Thanks for the banana bread, we enjoyed every last crumb. It was delicious.


william2233 said...

ute pictures, from a children author