
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater!

I was a cheater this week, well at least at the beginning of the week.

We had a roller coaster of a week. I worked a lot this week. I am not used to working this much, and boy did our home life show it. But that was okay, until Thursday night...I came home and our house was 84, and it was like 80 outside. Go figure right, not only is this going to happen over the weekend, but of course over a holiday weekend! It was pretty cool sleeping that night, but of course we got the smell the sweet aroma of SKUNK while we so desperately tried to fall asleep. We did finally get it fixed mid afternoon on Friday. We just had to replace a part and get more refrigerant. All is cool now...ha ha ha!

My mom called me on Monday and told me they had a dinner for us. Which is weird by itself. My father made them a taco casserole, which sounds fabulous. But my ever so observant father bought HOT SAUCE instead of salsa. So you know where this is going...see picture below. That is a huge bottle of HOT SAUCE, not salsa, and all that is gone is in the casserole!!! Yeah they each took a bit, then it became ours. And whew, was it hot, we had to add stuff to it, I used it as a filling on a soft shell with added beans and cheese, and sour cream for the cooling effect. 3/4 of it got frozen. It made me cry, but IT was good! So that was our new meal for the week.

"Toy Story 3, Toy Story 3" and interprarite dancing/sneaky moves is all that has been going on at my house all week. We took him to see the monvie last week. To say the least he loved it. We took Harrison with us, and the both of them did fantastic. I was very proud of them. Well except for Harrison's blowout mid way through the movie. but was all say there from the beginning to the end. And some one needs to tell them...not so many preview, you almost lost us then!

This week Corie invited us over to her house for playgroup so the kids could swim. It was a nice change of pace. Ryan actually burned his back a bit, he never burns, he always tans right away just like his daddy! His back is tan now. Poor Har is going to burn just like me!!!

I was given this 'easy' recipe for oatmeal bars. Well it didn't go to well, they were super mushy. I doubled the recipe, and maybe I should not have. So that was a waste, it tasted good, but it just wasn't edible.
We decided to make pancakes this morning for breakfast, and we added chocolate chips, I tried a smiley face for Ry...go ahead and laugh at it too, Matt did!

While making breakfast, we saw a recipe for chicken strips on the Bisquick box. WOW were they good, that was our lunch. They were super easy and low in fat, no breading or grease, you just bake them. It was really easy, so that will be made a lot now, even Ryan ate them, so that's huge.This week might have been a bummer on cooking, but I did pretty good today. Harrison even got new food today. I decided to go ahead and give him some food. We made him green beans. Once again, Harrison is so different from Ryan. Harrison is just so sticking messy. He is just yucky. Not only that, Ryan loved food since day one, not Harrison, he even quivers when he is eating it, but he ate the whole bowl. It was just about 2 tablespoons, but it wasn't easy feeding it to him. I wish I knew how to download videos, because that's where the action is! He likes to confiscate the bowl and spoon from me. He is such an aggressive eater!

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