
Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's been a LOOOONG time!

It has been over a month!

I get so upset when others do that with their blog, I love to read them and keep updated, and well I did it.

We have been so busy, but not interesting enough to blog about I guess, but I am going to 'try' to keep up now. I am just going to hit some of the stuff I have thought about in the last month about blogging about.

Matt started school a couple weeks ago. He is now gone again all week, we only see him Friday through Sunday. On occasion we will see him on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for about an hour if he had time before school, so that is always a nice surprise. I think its going pretty good for him, the classes are more intense this go around, but he's a smart cookie, I know he can do it. It is harder this time too since Ryan is getting older, he is asking where his daddy is, and looks for him out the window, so thats rough for us and confusing for him. Poor guy I don't think he will ever have a normal structured life. But as most of you know, we are not a normal structured family.

We went to the Illinois State Fair in Springfield in August. It was a good time, it could have been alot more fun though. We parked at some weird guys house. All the residents surrounding the park charge a small fee to park in their driveways/yards. And he gave us some 'advice' on how to get in, he said go in the back way, its not as crowded. Well that was the wrong idea, after being there for 4 hours and we were ready to head home, we found the fun part of the fair...which was at the main entrance...what a jerk!

I have been finding baby dinglehoppers again in the basement, just 2 or 3. Matt let one hop away from him, and just says sorry, he got away. So I have to upside down cups right now down there.

I have been trading sitter services with Kathy for a couple weeks, we vowed to teach the kids and have them learn when we have them versus just letting them free play for hours. I think its going pretty good. The kids are cooperating, and having a good time.

Ryan started occupational therapy for his mouth movement. I know I know it sounds weird, but we are having a really hard time understanding him. He has a large vocabulary but alot of it is mumbo jumbo. We can really only understand him when he is in context of the situation. We have only done 0ne week, and I actually saw a good improvement in him. Its free as long as they qualify, I hope it lasts for a bit.

We decided to change playgroups. We were going to one in Granite City, which we just loved. But sadly I think we needed to go to one in our school district. I was not happy about this, we had friends there, and were very comfortable. Well last night I went to his new schools orientation. And I think I am going to like the layout even better! I just hope he does.

We went to a Wiggles concert...which was a blast, I even loved it.

Well back to mommy duty...I will post pics soon...I promise!


Anonymous said...

Finally you are back!


Anonymous said...

I too tend to fall behind in my blogging but it is unacceptable. I haven't seen a picture of Ryan in FOREVER! jk Nice to see you are back.