
Sunday, September 20, 2009

So what's new?

So, what's up or how are you is a very common question. If you were to ask me, I would say very happy...we are 21 1/2 weeks pregnant with our second little boy!!!

(I actually feel him kicking/moving right now...I think he knows we are talking about him!)

We found out Memorial weekend before we went camping, we were only 3 1/2 weeks at the time, I was supposed to start that weekend. But we took a test before we left anyway since we were going to be gone for a week. (for you who know me, I had to know, I could not wait another day). But since it was positive and my parents were going camping with us for a few days, we had to tell them before they got suspicious. So the night before we left we made Ry his, "I'm the big brother shirt". We made sure we stopped off and saw Matt's parents before we left to tell them too! To say the least, everyone was very excited!!!
It's been a bumpy road this go around. It has been fast, I am over my half way mark now. It is soooo different your second go around, not only can I not compare the pregnancies, but baby Ryan in my belly got so much more attention than this one. I knew day by day what was growing on him, not this one!
(okay I will fill everyone in more later, time for my night time snack...Taco Bell :) thanks babe!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your pregnant!!! Congrats girl I had no idea! You are going to be so busy but at least Ryan is old enough to help out. Big brother go get Mommy a diaper. Exciting! Congrats again, Lisa from TX.

ps Im not doing it with you again lol