
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

two new teeth

Everyone keeps telling me he is teething. I have been hearing it for months now. I just ignore it because no more teeth are popping up...

Well tonight I brought him home from his long tiring day with Me-maw and he just kept crying. I mean screaming crying. Which always concerns me when he does, because he is not a crier...well didn't use to be. He never cries to that degree unless there is something wrong.

I was able to sing "if your happy and you know it", and "itsy bitsy spider" to him, which did calm him down quit a bit. So he had his nightly bath and it started all over again. He brushes his own teeth every night and that usually makes him very happy too, that didn't work either.

Well....while he was screaming so loud I looked inside his mouth, and low and behold there they were, 2 big chompers. They are not the ones next to his 4 front ones but back further, and no they are not his molars.

My poor baby, I feel like I have been neglecting him. I haven't been giving him any teething tablets or anything, I swore he was not teething...well I was wrong again.

Maybe one day I will get a grasp on this whole mother day :(


Anonymous said...

don't be so hard on yourself. it's always hard with your first child, even when a person is like me and had plenty of experience being around babies and helping take care of them. ( I was helping take care of my nieces and nephews since my first nephew was born when i was 10) i thought i had seen it all (lol ruuude awakening). it's always an iffy thing with teething since it can take months before you see anything. the easiest thing you can try if he is really grumpy is letting him chew on a really cold wet wash cloth because the coldness helps soothe the gums....that trick worked with my youngest two.

brandy w.

Anonymous said...

awww you are soooo a good mother!


Corie said...

Don't feel like you neglected him, even though I'm sure that is easier said than done. You ARE a great Mom!

And, if you do feel like you get the hang of the "mom thing", write a book, so I can learn your methods, ok?!? :)

Can't wait for our play date next week!