
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sir Prince Ryan Matthew

Well I have been informed that my son will marry Claire Louise Mitchell.

" I am going to marry baby Ryan because he is a prince and he is not dirty", these are the words right out Ryan's future wife's mouth.

Claire is the daughter of our friends Shaun and Carrie. Shaun told this to Matt last night. You see, Claire is only 3 and she already found her sweet is that. A couple of months ago I babysat Claire and Sophia for about a half hour. While I was watching them, they wanted to play dress up. And while they were getting dressed, Claire informed me that she was going to marry baby Ryan because he was not a skank. You read that right, a skank. I about died. It was so hard not to laugh, but you know how kids are, if you laugh then it makes it okay.

Well a couple of weeks ago when I was telling Carrie about it, she was just floored. She has no idea where she heard a word like that. But, we both could not help but chuckle at it. Well since then, Claire keeps saying how she is going to marry him since he is not dirty. So I guess Carrie talked to her about the word 'skank'.

So all in all, I am proud to announce that my son is dirt free, and that he is a prince at the Mitchell household. And this is how he found his future wife!


Anonymous said...

well that is exciting! hope i am invited to the big wedding! =p


Corie said...

My grandma was three years old when she said she would marry my grandpa.... and they were married for over 60 years!

Congrats to the lil couple! :)