
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 2- LVL

We woke up at 7:30. He woke up all smiles. At least he was happy. I made him breakfast and we ate while Matt and I decided what we were going to do. We wanted to stay but do we risk our whole vacation being so tired and stressed.
This was a sleeve Matt cut off a t-shirt and we worn them as a hat for a bit. Ryan also found out very early that climbing on the table was very easy.
At 8:00 I went down to the reservations building. I tried to get upgraded to a condo, or move to another, bigger camper. We could not get upgraded and we could not move till Sunday. Then we would have check out at 11 and could not get the new one till 4. We could not get a refund. So our options were limited. I called my parents after driving around for 20 minutes to get reception to see if they could help since they were the actual owners at the resort. No, they got no where as well. So after my big freak out and break down, Matt and I decided to stay, at least another night, and if it didn't work we would come home on Sunday and have a good couple of days at home.
In the meantime, Matt had the wonderful idea of putting the mattress up against the window in the bedroom, that way it would block the light, then we could put his pack n' play up on the wooden platform. So we did, and we also put towels and blankets up in the other windows. There was enough room on the platform where we could put up his toys. So he would go into "his room" climb up on the platform and play for awhile then come back and join us. It was wonderful. Even though when you looked into his room and he would be playing and it ended up looking like we kid napped him and was holding him in a secret room where no one could find him.

We did go 'across the street' to the playground. We did make it down all the hills and over all the ditched just fine. Ryan loved having free run of such a big area, we could let him explore every where with no fear. He got to the point of pointing across the street and screaming to go to the playground.

After Ryan and Matt's 3 hour nap in the car, he got up and he found all the cabinets and was able to climb in them all. Which was a huge success for us all, it kept him busy while we would cook or what ever. They had to sleep in the car because he would not sleep in his pack n' play yet. Thank God it wasn't too hot they were able to sleep with out sweating to death.While Matt prepared the grill for dinner, Ryan and I walked down to the boathouse and lake. We played and looked at the people playing in the lake from a bridge. Then we walked down to the beach. That is where we met Chester. Chester is a goose not a duck, I was informed of that from some guy working the boathouse. We liked looking at Chester, a lady told us we could pet him, he was nice, and he would let us. Well as a concerned parent I did not allow this. So we just watched Chester. I took a numerous amount of pictures, then all of a sudden I realized Chester only had one leg. We were very sad for Chester. (no he did not swim in a circle, for all you mean people who thought that, he swam away just fine) We later found out from the grass mower guy (they finally cut the grass on Monday) that Chester lost his leg to a fish line. Chester is the only goose who is allowed on the property. Last year they had over 140 geese, they took half to Mark Twain park and the other half they gave to the homeless to eat! So, the only goose they will allow is Chester...lucky Chester huh, he gets to live his life alone with one leg!Ryan also loved to be chased around and around he picnic table...but only by his daddy! He would also try to get down on the grass, so he would get on all fours and back step till he stepped off the concrete. Which was good it gave us time to get him before started to fall or roll.

Then night fell, we got a bath and put on p.j.'s. We went back outside by the campfire. I had bought some balloon torpedo things at Wal-Mart for .88$, they were the best thing ever, they kept us busy for about a half hour, including the kids next door. You were supposed to blow it up, and let go into the air and they fly off, make a sound and deflate and come back down to the ground. Matt and I were racing our torpedo's...and mine won the most!!! The only problem with these balloons, is that Ryan wanted to keep playing with them, but they were so weak that as soon as they would touch the ground they would pop.

Then it was bed time...and off we were again, the car for about 15 minutes. We came back found 3 huge spiders outside right by Ryan's window, we killed them, and put Ryan to bed. He rolled right over and went right to sleep!


Anonymous said...

I won most of the balloon races for everyones info

Corie said...

Is this how busy I am going to be when Chloe turns one year? I get out of breath just reading about all you do in one day!!!

Sounds like day 2 was much better!

Are we going to hear about day 3???