
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Family Fun Time

Last week was Matt's finals at school. So now for the time being we have our evenings back as a family. Our first night, we decided to go to Alfonzo's in Maryville, which has Family Fun Time attached to it.
My dad and brother Andrew took Ryan there a couple of weeks ago, and when they came home they had a lot of tokens left over. So that is why we decided to go. Well FFT (family fun time) is a rip off. A lot of the games cost more than one token, unlike Chuck E Cheese does. Then you get like one ticket, then for some half way descent prize is 2400 tickets. So to say the least we probably won't be going back there for a "FFT".
We did have alot of fun though. Ryan does get to run all over, which is like his favorite thing to do now, is run away. He was able to play some games and ride some rides with his awesome daddy. He even watched Matt do the batting cages, which he loved as well.

This last picture was not taken that night, but is just adorable. Every night when Matt gets home we go into Ryan's room and just look at him. Well that is until he wakes when we walk in and we have to run out laughing. We feel like sneaky little teenagers. But when we go in there he is always sleeping so different and cute, and we just smile and from time to time we, well just me cry. He is just so amazing. God has given us the ultimate gift, a family, that is just ours. Notice the 'orange bat' right next to him, yep he now sleeps with it. The other night he had to take his bath with it, then Matt crushed it trying to get all the water out of it...but Ry didn't care, its still his buddy. When he woke up last night when we walked in he rolled right over and grabbed it and fell right back to sleep.

1 comment:

Corie said...

Congrats to Matt- must be such a relief to be done with classes!!!

Ryan is just too cute. I love all the pictures!