Well, we started it, we started "time outs".
I was talking to a friend about this last week and she has been doing it with her little one for awhile now, and he is younger than Ry. And it works well for them. Why I thought Ry could not handle this I don't know. Well, we have been having temper tantrums like crazy over the littlest things. So we needed a change.
This is how "time out"time started. I took a discipline class about a month ago. I really liked it, I felt that I got alot of useful info from it. One of the things we talked about was, time outs. She said 1 minute for every year they are. It may not work for some kids and we may just have to figure out what works for us.
I decided most people all have a corner by their front door (at least we do and all his grandparents/sitters do) so it will be the same spot at every ones house. So instead of having a chair, he stands in the corner by the front door.
We did for the first time over the weekend (it has been countless times since then, maybe 2-3 per day). Well, he does really good in "time out". Maybe too good...I walk him over and tell him to stand in the corner till we say it is time to get out.
My sweet sweet baby walks stands in the corner and just stands there, not a peep from him. He will even sigh half way through, and maybe rest a shoulder on the wall. But never looks back or cries. We even have to say "okay Ry you can come out now" a few times...then when he does he turns around really fast and says "taaadaaa" with a huge smile on his face. (what the heck, is it some kind of game to him). Then I tell him to come give me a hug (which he runs to us with open arms) and we explain to him what he did wrong to go in there (you know, just like they tell you to do on Super Nanny). And while he is in there we are laughing so hard (I don't think he can hear us), because it is so sweet how he just stands there and does nothing.
So, yes this is working. He is not going back and doing the same thing right away ( he may later, which he usually does). I think it may only be working because it is a distraction from what ever he was doing. And when he goes in there because he was having a fit, he is ultimately getting our attention, and I think that is what he was seeking to begin with.
I don't know what to do. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Do I keep it up? Do I try something different? Should I not be complaining?