We went with The Partnership for Kids program ( the play group we go to every week). The tickets were dirt cheap, and it included lunch, and great seats! The way it was set up is, we were supposed to meet at the school and everyone ride the bus over. Well Matt thought it was extremely unsafe for us to ride the bus with Ry, with no car seat or seat belt (which I do agree with). I don't really understand how it was legal, all the kids included in this are 3 and under. So Mark (one of his teachers) slide us our tickets on the DL so we could drive ourselves (since Matt refused to go unless we could drive our self). Of course I am the one who has to do all this, Matt is just at home preaching his opinion.
Then when Julia told us we were having hot dogs for lunch, I told her that we were going to pack a lunch for Ry, since we don't allow him to eat hot dogs. Then right then and there it dawned on me...we just became "those parents". We won't ride the bus with the other 65 people who didn't have a problem with it, and now we won't eat the lunch that was included. Thank God both her and Mark are so nice and don't treat us like that...I am sure they are thinking it though.
We did have a really good time. Ryan was just in awe the whole time.
Maybe it was a special bus like Annabel's- the seats are designed for kids 4 and younger with a 5 point harness for each one. We went on a field trip and brought Audrey, and the bus driver was stickler for making sure her car seat was fastened in the bus properly. The seats are really close together and really uncomforable for adults though, so good choice. :-)
The trick after big events is to not let him fall asleep in the car so that you can ALL get a nap together when you get home! (yeah right) :-)
no I remeber what you said about her bus, so I asked mark about it, it was just a regular school bus with no belts. we weren't even aloud to bring their seats because there was no where to strap them in!
Hey Amanda
We took Ella to Sesame Street Live saturday night! We had a great time and she enjoyed it so much. We were in the second row which was really exciting, but Grandma and Grandpa bought the tickets!! It is so exciting to bring your children to a show and watch them love every minute of it! I hope your family is doing well. Talk to you soon. Maybe Keith, Corie and Chloe can go with us next time to enjoy such an event!
Amy F.
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